Monday, November 19, 2012

7 Years.

7 years.
1 dog.
4 places of residence.
7 vehicles (ridiculous).
2 degrees obtained with one in progress.
9 jobs held.
1 trip to France.
1 surgery.
1 infertility diagnosis.
1 trip to Maui.
No "itch"!

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Due to the fact that our anniversary fell on a Monday, we decided to celebrate this past weekend.  It was fantastic, simple, and so Francais!  We dined at Pamplemousse   . . . vintage Vegas at it's finest.  It's been around since 1976 and is one of Vegas's finest treasures!  You rarely find that kind of history in this town.


  1. congratulations! i remember your reception very well! it was a good party! you guys look like babies in the wedding pic...but you have never looked better in the anniversary pics! you guys are great.

  2. Congrats! So happy for you guys. Excited for the many years to come for you two.
